Tuku Aroha
Hā ki roto
Hā ki waho
Aro ki te hā o nehe
Aro ki te hā o tua
Kia tau te aio
Kia mau ki te tumanako
Aroha tētahi ki tētahi
Breathe In
Breathe Out
Focus on the breath of yesterday
Focus on the breath of tomorrow
May peace and healing settle in this place
May hope hold you, and carry you forward.
Love and care between all, past, present and future
We honour the life of Kyrei Keepa, born 3 November 2021 at Gisborne Hospital.
We are grateful for the generosity of his family in sharing his story to help others.

ⓒ Manaaki Mats. All images of Kyrei and his whānau are shared with permission by his parents to raise awareness of the benefits of Manaaki Mats.
All images of Kyrei taken by Emma Carroll, belong to the Keepa family and are not to be reproduced.